Remember Alexandra Chalupa? That’s OK. She’s not very memorable. Last time we wrote about her, it was when celebrity-lawyer-turned-celebrity-jailbird Michael Avenatti was representing her.
That was back in 2018, and we have to assume that she’s still bitter about how all that turned out. Who wouldn’t be? Not that she shouldn’t’ve known from the get-go that Michael Avenatti is pretty much the kiss of death and willingly associating with him is a good sign that you shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Recently, Alexandra decided to remind us that she shouldn’t be taken seriously with her very own piping-hot take on Fox News host Tucker Carlson:
.@TuckerCarlson needs to be tried at The Hague as a disinformation agent in Putin’s war. Carlson is a war criminal aiding and abetting a hostile enemy of the U.S. while thousands of American veterans are risking their lives helping Ukraine defend the free world from Putin.
— Alexandra Chalupa (@AlexandraChalup) March 15, 2022
Recall that last night, Keith Olbermann declared that Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard are Russian assets and should be detained by the military. Good on Chalupa for finding a way to up the ante. That takes talent!
Honey, I asked if you wanted to super size your value meal?
— Chris Tsotsoros (@ctsotsoros) March 15, 2022
Make sure the Coke is caffeine-free. Alexandra’s clearly plenty wound up already.
Tell us you're Cray-Cray without using the word Cray-Cray….go:
— Mccabe's Porsche on Blocks (@Larry_Beech) March 15, 2022
It’s easy if you try.
Defender of the truth LMAO 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣
— FLCowboy (@1BoysFan) March 15, 2022
This person identifies in her bio as a “human rights hobbyist.”
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) March 15, 2022
Maybe she should find a hobby that’s a little more her speed. How do you feel about making vision boards, Alexandra?
“Human rights hobbyist” wants to try journalists for war crimes for having the wrong opinions
— Billy Gribbin (@BillyGribbin) March 15, 2022
libs: 'we must defend tolerant, open, liberal society against the designs of authoritarians!'
also libs: 'hang that TV journalist!'
— Michael Knowles 🤌🏼 (@michaeljknowles) March 15, 2022
Maybe Alexandra should just make it easier on everyone and stuff it.
Sorry, I get all of my war crimes legal advice from Jeff CrunchwrapSupreme.
— NeverTweet (@LOLNeverTweet) March 15, 2022
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