It’s always fun to check in and see what David Hogg is up to. Kid is funny as hell, albeit unintentionally.
Today is no exception:
If you need an AR-15 to feel like a man you need a therapist not a gun.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) September 8, 2021
Classic David Hogg. Never change, pal.
David’s taking the criticism for this about as well as he takes criticism for every other asinine thing he says.
And we still don’t care about his feelings.
I don’t need a gun to feel like man but having one to protect myself and loved ones is nice.
— nobody (@eyesuponme) September 8, 2021
No property or object can make one feel like a man. I can't help but feel like a man, because I am a man.
— Article V Convention of States please (@philthatremains) September 8, 2021
Not surprised you don't know what being a man feels like.
HINT: Owning an AR-15 isn't in the equation.
— RBe (@RBPundit) September 8, 2021
Given how bad David Hogg is at spelling and grammar, we wouldn’t expect him to excel at equations, either.
Or at not being sexist and cis-heteronormative.
I feel like a woman
— Brett Smith (@thebwsmith) September 8, 2021
You’re a sexist. Women own AR-15s too, you blow hard twerp
— GOPPouncer (@Mellecon) September 8, 2021
If you enjoy AR-15s, you need therapy? That's quite a stretch, kid.
Men aren't the only ones who enjoy AR-15s. (FWIW: It's also a great home defense firearm and popular choice among women.) Way to be sexist. Enjoy the ratio.
— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) September 8, 2021
Many menstruating people also own AR-15s, David. FYI.
Wow, sexist and transphobic in one tweet, how efficient.
— Beach bunnygirl (@UsagikoNat) September 8, 2021
If you think the only reason to own an AR15 is to feel like a man you’re too white, cis, hetero, and privileged to have an opinion on what anybody needs to defend themselves and their communities.
You aren’t anti gun. You have the help carry them. Some aren’t that privileged.
— Queer Armorer (@QueerArmorer) September 8, 2021
*Need* doesn’t have anything to do with it.
Because really, you don’t *need* an iPhone.
— Patrick Reikofski 🇺🇸 (@seepat) September 8, 2021
In fact, we’d go so far as to say that David would be a lot better off without an iPhone, or any other device that enables him to share the thoughts in his brain with the world. It just never seems to work out well for him.
My therapist recommended I get an AR-15 though
— RamblingStan (@RamblingStan) September 8, 2021
Never gets old having these twiggy weirdos try to insult my sense of security in my masculinity, considering I’ve live tweeted episodes of the Bachelor.
We’re good over here, buddy.
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 8, 2021
We’re great, actually.
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