At today’s White House press briefing, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki if Joe Biden would ever ask Donald Trump to help him spread the message about the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID19.
Here’s how Psaki responded:
Jen Psaki won't commit to working in an official capacity with Donald Trump in promoting the vaccine:
— (@townhallcom) July 19, 2021
Jen Psaki and the Biden administration know full well how far a collaboration between Joe Biden and Donald Trump would go toward promoting vaccine confidence. But they’re making it clear that they prefer to put petty partisanship ahead of public safety.
Duly noted.
We don't think we need to reach out to Trump or give him the due credit for the vaccine.
Certainly one way to go about things.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 19, 2021
Not the way Stephen L. Miller, aka @redsteeze, would go about it. But then he understands that some things are more important than sticking it to Donald Trump.
It's a nice way of saying you're administration is just taking credit for what trump did.
— Noble Jarl (@Manicton) July 19, 2021
Also hard to admit after months of campaigning on "We don't trust the Trump vaccine"
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 19, 2021
Another great look for the Biden White House.
Trump could certainly say no and release a stupid desk memo but then Biden WH could say "Hey we tried."
Psaki seems to say they aren't interested in trying. I mean, okay.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 19, 2021
Exactly. The Biden administration would have a much stronger moral leg to stand on if they demonstrated a willingness to work with Joe Biden’s predecessor on this. That would put the onus on Trump to accept the invitation.
Instead, they’re playing stupid games and expecting not to win stupid prizes.
If the Biden administration is unwilling to try everything possible to get people vaccinated, does that mean that they're "killing people?"
Just trying to figure out the new "killing people" rules.
— bartleby (@ElderBartleby) July 19, 2021
Joe Biden’s still trying to figure those out, too.
Okay, then the current President can be stuck missing his own vaccination goals which is getting people killed. People are dying.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 19, 2021
Trump has zero grounded principles. He believes in kissing his ass. That's it. So if it saves a few thousand lives, kiss his ass.
No, we won't.
Okay, then people die (according to your rules)
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 19, 2021
(How refreshing.)
Psaki alludes to the fact that Trump doesn’t need an invitation to advocate for the vaccine and “anyone with a platform” is welcome to speak out about it and yet they’re ripping away his platforms to reach people.
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) July 19, 2021
Thread. Tells you all you need to know about the tremendous hubris of the Biden administration.
— President DeSantis (@prezdesantis) July 19, 2021
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