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The hits keep comin'! Apparently the Lincoln Project's Stuart Stevens has also gotten busted for getting too close for comfort

Is there something in the water at the Lincoln Project? The group of Principled Conservatives seems to be populated with men with pretty terrible principles:


That was back in early February 2019:

Superior Court Judge Megan Shafritz issued a no-stalking order against Stevens last Friday, barring him from contacting or approaching the woman, Paige Hinkson, until July 2019. Stevens had been subject to a temporary no-stalking order since last June, when Hinkson filed her initial complaint; it was extended five times.

In her ruling, Shafritz wrote that Stevens had called or texted Hinkson or her husband, Craig DeLuca, 151 times between April 2017 and March 2018 — often late at night and always from a blocked phone number. The judge also found that Stevens stared Hinkson down at a Stowe café, sent DeLuca a threatening package and engaged in other behavior that led Hinkson to appear “frightened and distraught” in court.

Hinkson told the court that on one occasion, Stevens followed her in his car and, on another, sat at a table near her at Stowe’s PK Coffee and proceeded to stare at her for as long as 20 minutes. “It felt like forever,” she said. Shafritz wrote that Hinkson had proven the latter allegation but not the former. Stevens denied both.

Now, it’s worth noting that these were allegations against Stevens. And we’re not suggesting that what Stevens allegedly did is on the same level as what John Weaver appears to have done.


But the Lincoln Project does seem to be teeming with bad dudes.

Well, yeah.

At least 151 times.

We’re sure George Conway has no idea what you’re talking about.

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