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'GUYS SHE DID IT!!' Jennifer Rubin actually ran with this garbage take on Lindsey Graham

As Twitchy told you, media firefighters tripped all over themselves to bust Lindsey Graham for saying of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford: “This is what happens when you go through a trailer park with a $100 bill.” Of course, what they failed to mention is that Graham was quoting James Carville and contrasting Carville’s remarks with Trump’s comments about Ford. Just an honest mistake, no doubt.


The wait is over, friends. The fabled moment has arrived.

Jake Tapper was one of the few members of the media who tried to correct the false anti-Graham narrative:

But Tapper’s attempt to clarify things for the outrage brigade still wasn’t clear enough for “conservative” WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin:

Who’s confused, Jen?

Of course she did. You could practically set your watch by her TDS-induced hot takes.


Eh, that doesn’t seem to bother Jen too much.


We’re honestly not sure whether she’s stupid or just dishonest. Probably a combination of both. But this much is clear: She lost what was left of her mind — and her integrity — a long time ago.

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