My oldest kid is getting ready to graduate high school in the spring and besides the normal 'OMG MY KIDS ARE GROWING UP I'M SO OLD WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT THEM' feelings that most parents are going through, I am pretty concerned about the current state of universities across the country. The eldest 'FOO' child is being courted by several institutions of higher learning a little bit like she's a very talented quarterback ... except in her case, it's for her academic success.
Sure, I'm biased because I'm her mom but GPA, AP, test scores, and scholarships don't LIE.
All of that being said, I am a little worried about where she may land. I think that's pretty normal for any parent, but of course, I'm worried for a multitude of reasons that have nothing to do with her, and everything to do with these colleges.
Especially the Ivies.
Seriously, you know it's bad for them when even CNN is calling them out.
Watch this:
America’s top universities should abandon their long misadventure into politics, retrain their gaze on their core strengths and rebuild their reputations as centers of research and learning.
— Fareed Zakaria (@FareedZakaria) December 10, 2023
My take:
Stop playing politics.
Let young people start thinking for themselves ... isn't that what college is really all about?
I must add here, that even though I worry about the schools I know my daughter - we've raised her to be fiercely independent and think for herself. For example, in 2016 when she was in the Fifth Grade, they held a mock election in her class. She was the only one to vote for Gary Johnson. When I asked her why she said, 'I don't know, mom. He just seemed like the nicest one.' This is how she's always been, our preemie, living life and making choices on HER terms.
So maybe I shouldn't worry so much?
NAH, I'm still going to worry.
Especially with the current state of academia in this country. Maybe it will take kids like mine to start changing the system. Heck, if anyone can do it, it's my daughter.
Buckle up, Ivies.