Things have been feeling crazier and crazier to this editor so when we came across this thread from John Hayward on bigotry and the Left it was like a light switched on.
He gets it.
The mainstreaming of anti-Semitism and how anti-Asian and anti-White bigotry is literally baked into ‘every corner of the elite culture and politics’ is something we’re seeing more and more. Heck, we wrote about The Root calling ‘whiteness’ a pandemic earlier.
And somehow that’s AOK.
Check out his thread, it’s way smarter than anything we could write:
I'm aghast at the mainstreaming of antisemitism, but it's simply not true that it's the "last bigotry Americans accept." Anti-Asian bigotry is downright institutionalized at American universities, and anti-white bigotry is baked into every corner of elite culture and politics.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
It’s just baked in.
He’s right.
Keep going.
This is not just a semantic point, and the other acceptable – even mandated – bigotries in America are not unrelated to rising antisemitism. Antisemitism is a time-tested leading indicator of other bigotries to come in any society, the canary in the coal mine of prejudice.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
Canary in the coal mine of prejudice.
Damn, that’s good.
Whenever those in power start deciding that some races or classes of people are simply inferior and should be treated as such under the law, the Jews are reliably among the first victims. It usually starts with them, but it never stops with them.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
Scary stuff.
The fashionable modern vehicle for imposing race and class supremacy is to accuse the inferior class of being unfairly "privileged." The oppressors pretend to be oppressed. Prejudice is marketed as a quest for "justice." The Bad People cheated to get their unfair advantages.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
Privileged. THERE it is.
That's the basic script of antisemitism down to a T, the excuse used by every society that decided to scapegoat the Jews for its problems. "We're only poor because the Jews robbed us!" You can plug other groups into that formula after you use it to brew up some antisemitism.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
Prejudice is toxic poison bottled as fine wine. "All we want is justice and equity," the racists, hustlers, and greedy politicians coo. "We're just going to take some ill-gotten gains from the unfairly privileged and redistribute them more evenly. Robbing thieves is no crime!"
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
Well, you can't get that little quest for cosmic justice rolling until you establish the principle that some groups of people – some race, sex, or creed – is inherently wicked and deceitful. They're not successful, they're thieves. In other words, they are INFERIOR.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
Told ya.
You can't do this on an individual basis. There would never be enough time and prosecutorial energy to systematically accuse individual people of being thieves and exploiters – and your cases would most likely fall apart as they defended themselves against the allegations.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
This is why they spend so much time ignoring the individual and trying to paint people with a broad brush instead.
No, you have to declare entire groups of people are inherently inferior and should have diminished rights to speech, property, and ultimately life itself. Accuse thousands, or millions, at a stroke and declare them guilty without trial. That's how you get big money and power.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
In America today, we've soared FAR past the point where this toxic ideology is applied only to the Jews. Quite a few other groups are considered inferior under the law, and targeted for hatred and violence outside the law, although the media works hard not to cover those crimes.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
We should be saying ALL racism and prejudice is intolerable, unacceptable, and has no place in American culture or law. It's the only logically and morally consistent stand to take. We are nowhere near taking it, and antisemitism is far from the only acceptable bigotry. /end
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 18, 2021
We are nowhere near where we should be and all the Left has done is exchange one bigotry for another. And they pat themselves on the backs for doing so.
Because it’s ‘justice.’
*eye roll*
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