Not entirely sure why Ana Navarro thought she had any business lecturing Van Jones about who he can and can’t take a picture with but Ana has always been sort of a glorified troll with a following built on hatred so we’re not entirely surprised by her disgusting behavior here
The only reason anyone pays attention to her is if they hate Trump as much as she does.
We kept waiting for Van to ask Ana who the Hell she thinks she is …
“Van, take a nap”
— Déjà The View (@dejatheviewpod) February 5, 2021
He’s not allowed to take pictures with certain people?
That sounds sorta bigoted to us, Ana.
Candace Owens blasted her:
OMG I cannot stop laughing. @ananavarro just questioned Van Jones for taking “a smiling picture with Candace Owens”.
The radical Left wants to unite America by making it a criminal act to smile in pictures with conservatives.
Utterly psychopathic.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) February 5, 2021
Yeah, Ana sucks.
What, too mean?
Ok, Ana uckssay.
We like how Joy tried to shut him down too … awful.
To add context. Van Jones and I smiled together in a picture at a bi-partisan event attended by both Republicans and Democrats for the First Step Act— prison reform
The women of #TheView are taking their obsession with me to new heights. @ananavarro
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) February 5, 2021
Why does anyone go on that horrible show?
Sounds like @ananavarro is a scumbag human.
— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) February 5, 2021
Why is anyone talking to her?
— Dusty (@dustopian) February 5, 2021
Seriously, we don’t get it. She’s just awful.
Ana is toxic
— Kellyanne (@Pale_Khaos) February 5, 2021
Was she really serious? Crap like that really gets under my skin.
— Dark Southern Prince (@DSouthernPrince) February 5, 2021
— jcford (@jcford) February 5, 2021
If only Ana was speechless as well.
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