Uh oh, y’all. An Ohio teacher has been assigning students PragerU videos for class.
The horror! The evil! ELEVENTY! Gawd forbid our young people learn perspectives from various political ideals instead of being inundated with progressive garbage that tells them to hate their country and apologize for who they are.
The nerve of that teacher:
NEW: An Ohio school has been assigning kids PragerU videos for class. The site has videos like 'the left ruins everything' & 'playing the black card'
Turns out, PragerU is amid a new push to get into K12 schools. They say 'so many' teachers have signed uphttps://t.co/WwxgwIGmIb
— Rebecca Klein (@rklein90) October 19, 2020
As you can imagine, people lost their minds over the idea of a teacher DARING to share something they don’t necessarily approve of; you could say their reactions were almost visceral.
So damn disturbing, I’m having a visceral reaction. THIS is the “indoctrination” we need to be fearful of. And as the parent in the piece said, it is not as much of an issue for savvy Ss and families who can spot this trash for what it is. Be vigilant.
— Kate Eichten Amlee (@KateAmlee1) October 20, 2020
That’s right! Be vigilant! Keep those kids from thinking for themselves!
PragerU responded:
"Having a visceral reaction" because a 10th grade teacher in Ohio offered extra credit to review PragerU videos.
? Yikes.
Probably a good thing she/her doesn't realize our videos earn a BILLION views every year. (Don't tell her.) https://t.co/vm9Krsk5Do
— PragerU (@prageru) October 20, 2020
Man, we love PragerU.
lol pic.twitter.com/gS2cichaiV
— PragerU (@prageru) October 20, 2020
Indoctrination? They are about the very principles America was founded on. Shouldn't that be required in our public schools?
— David H. (@libertytrader17) October 20, 2020
You’d think?
Sounds like she gets triggered easily ?
— Toni Enger ? (@movinsouth23) October 20, 2020
Yea one bright side from this Covid Pandemic is that the problems of Public education are no longer on the back burner & there has been a push to rethink how we do education. Expect more of this. #FundChildernNotPrograms
— ♔????? ??? ???????????♔ ジェームズ (@Scotty_2017) October 20, 2020
All. Day. This. ^
Meanwhile, parents across the country wonder how they fire their Marxist curriculum experts and get these videos into their children’s classrooms.
— Marmee (@marmee_r) October 20, 2020
It’s a good thing if far-left sycophants DO have a visceral reaction to your materials. It means you have your content right where you want it to be.
— Occam's Razor Ramon (@OccamRamon) October 20, 2020
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