Remember when these ‘protests’ started they were about George Floyd and the inequities in our social justice system? You know, the whole Black Lives Matter thing?
Seems that has gone out the window:
Woman with BLM sign on walker is trying to stop Portland protester hitting wooden barricades on east precinct
— Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) August 7, 2020
Guess they didn’t notice her BLM sign?
She is amazing
— Beth (@BPinDC) August 7, 2020
She also tried to put a fire out.
They didn’t like that either.
Real winners, eh?
To the young lady with the empty paint can: seriously?
— Paul Robeson (@No_Signal00) August 7, 2020
And it wasn’t just her …
An older woman tried to stop #antifa rioters from continuing their attack on the Portland Police east precinct tonight. She stood in the front and they dumped some white liquid all over her & curse her out. #PortlandRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 7, 2020
Look at how they treat the elderly.
This is what Portland has turned into.
Where TF is Ted Wheeler?
Oh, that’s right, he’s busy trying to appease these thugs so he can complain about the mean ol’ feds coming in to help.
oRaNgE mAn BaD
— Space Woman Spiff ??? (@BellaPelosi) August 7, 2020
Not one man in the whole bunch steps up to stop the violence against this elderly woman.
This is disgusting— Big Ed (@Falconeddie1) August 7, 2020
Right? Where are the decent people?
It’s a ‘protest.’
Never mind.
If not wearing a mask is so deadly, why do so many of the thugs get within 6 feet of her? They approach her, she doesn't approach them.
— Coalcracker (@CrackingCoal) August 7, 2020
Where are all the *moms* and why didn't they defend the older woman from being attacked? ANTIFA = Fascist terrorists
— sarainitaly???? (@sarainitaly) August 7, 2020
They are far too busy fighting amongst themselves about racial inequity.
Others in Portland need to be inspired by her and stand up to the mob.
— Wilberforce Be With You (@PaineInTheNeck) August 7, 2020
Sooner than later.
I’m glad these videos are out to expose them even though @cnn won’t. Poor lady ?
— ❤️??? (@howcaniNOT) August 7, 2020
Not a good look for #Antifa.
— Austere Constitutional Scholar & Faithful Patriot (@AusterePatriot) August 7, 2020
Portland is what this country would look like under Biden. Sorry, not sorry.
Two teenagers discover how much Phil Collins kicks A*S and the video is EVERYTHING (watch)
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