The next time someone on the Left accuses Trump or Republicans of being Nazis or ‘literally Hitler’ send them screenshots of ‘MovieBob Productions’ calling for Germany to invade Poland again.
Don’t make that face, we didn’t write the tweet. We’re just covering Raheem Kassam catching the blue-check in the act:
Verified account calls for a Nazi invasion of Poland again, on the back of a democratic election victory for Duda…
Hello @TwitterSupport the left are the Nazis…
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) July 13, 2020
Let’s not pretend Twitter Support actually gives two squirts about this yahoo tweeting about Nazis invading Poland again for the greater good.
And since BOB deleted his tweets, we’re grateful to this ‘rekt’ account for grabbing screenshots:
— rekt (@rorufufufu) July 13, 2020
Sounds like something an actual Nazi might push for … eh?
Bob here didn’t like getting called out for his gross tweets and in fact, got pretty defensive:
Oh shit, no way really!?
Aw man, too bad that's not a thing I and everyone else on the PLANET knows or what I Tweeted might've been recieved as ironic humor instead of something morons pretend to take seriously for an "pwn" ?♂️
— MovieBob Productions (@the_moviebob) July 13, 2020
They’re always the victim after they get caught being disgusting toads.
Ironic humor.
Because the history of the Nazis in Poland is super hilarious. *eye roll*
And *The Right-Wing Gay-Persecuting Fascist President of Poland* gets added to the "people you apparently cannot make fun of without pissing off Rose Twitter for some reason. Noted! ?
— MovieBob Productions (@the_moviebob) July 13, 2020
Not about making fun of Duda, it’s joking about Nazis, ya’ jacka*s.
Seriously, he big mad:
Because explaining jokes to stupid people isn't fun. Case in point.
— MovieBob Productions (@the_moviebob) July 13, 2020
Everyone is stupid but him.
Yes, no joke would ever contain a reference to "KEY & PEELE"
— MovieBob Productions (@the_moviebob) July 13, 2020
Tough crowd.
Then again, most crowds don’t find humor in jokes about the Nazis invading Poland.
Just sayin’.
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