Jim Acosta was once again clutching his little pearls, this time over the seating at today’s Trump presser …
The news conference was initially set up for social distancing. Then the WH rearranged the chairs. Before and after pics from our @abdallahcnn pic.twitter.com/jxKAneAZsy
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 5, 2020
He was almost as upset with this seating arrangement as he was with the soldier having lunch near the White House. But luckily, for Jim, Jon Karl stepped up his ‘Karen’ game and tattled to the world about the WH’s ‘flagrant violation of CDC guidelines.’
Oddly enough, we don’t see Jon b*tching about protesters standing or sitting too close to one another.
This is a flagrant violation of CDC guidelines on social distancing and a move that puts reporters at risk for the purpose of turning the press corps into a prop for a so-called "press conference" where the president refuses to answer a single question. https://t.co/dgImSBblaO
— jonkarl (@jonkarl) June 5, 2020
Only Jon could make Jim seem less whiny.
Violation? What?
Ok, maybe the male version of Karen is Jon.
These guys just keep accidentally giving us alternatives … heh.
Guideline. Look it up, Scooter.
— Dan (@DanLtcR) June 5, 2020
Knock it off. Nobody in the real world feels pity for you because you’re drama queens who believe you are anointed to some “special” calling. You fail in the most basic requirement of your job, honesty.
— Lori Olivia (@simplylorilee) June 5, 2020
So stand where you want to. You need a chair?
— Gary Frank (@swizze_gfrank) June 5, 2020
They can always MOVE, right?
Nope. Too late. Piss off with this pearl clutch
— Captain Oblivious Stranger (@lone_rides) June 5, 2020
Just how helpless ARE you?
— Lisa B. (@politeracy) June 5, 2020
How long ya’ got?
Cry more.
— Monika (@MonikaMusing) June 5, 2020
Did you tweet about protestors being “put at risk”??
— MikeySansLOL (@MikeySansLOL) June 5, 2020
Not that we’re seeing.
You guys are pure parody now. All credibility is gone.
— David (@DSmykal) June 5, 2020
The CDC advises you wear a mask. Where is your mask, Jon? pic.twitter.com/FK7i1gtRyV
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) June 5, 2020
I missed your tweets whining about not social distancing in the streets during the protests
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) June 5, 2020
We missed them too.
Do the protest next. I’ll wait
— Kambree (@KamVTV) June 5, 2020
It’ll take some time.
You're joking, right? Please tell me this is a joke. Otherwise, you're making it quite clear that social distancing only counts when its convenient for you. pic.twitter.com/uYTU5uXZaQ
— ??HEALING IS COMING?? (@DontTreadOn_VA) June 5, 2020
You’all are a big joke.
— Shari (@jdhlsc169) June 5, 2020
With no real punchline.