Beto O’Rourke is really having a tough week.
Month? Year?
Whatever timeframe you choose, the dude is not having the best of luck with his campaign and gosh, we’re shocked. Who knew that bragging about taking guns from legal, law-abiding, gun-owning Americans would be such a losing campaign promise? Oh, that’s right, everyone.
When even Fredo himself responds this way?
CNN's Cuomo: "Are you in fact in favor of gun confiscation?"
Beto: "Yes … I don't want you, or anyone else to get into the fear-mongering … that the gov is going come and take your guns"
Cuomo: "It's not about fear-mongering. You just said it, Beto"
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) September 19, 2019
Yikes. An AR-15 is not used on the battleground, Beto.
And Cuomo talking about Heller? Holy crap, Hell may have just frozen over. EL OH EL.
Think it’s safe to say this guy will never be president yet?
— HKbornYankee (@back2theMatrix) September 19, 2019
His reasoning and credibility is right up there with another CNN favorite Michael Avenatti.
— Chelsea Lager (@LagerChelsea) September 19, 2019
Even Cuomo can't let O'Rourke skate with his idiotically self-contradictory remark.
Robert Francis doesn't have a hope in hell of getting anywhere with this mess of a campaign. He just wings it, and hopes he manages to carry along a few comrades who will clean up after him.
— Joe the Dissident (@joethepatriotic) September 19, 2019
It’s pretty bad.
They’re turning on their golden child for saying too much.
— Reseth (@ResethO) September 19, 2019
Wow I didnt know fredo had it in him….
— chris (@venomsspider) September 19, 2019
He's a fool. An honest one on this issue but a fool all the same.
— The Burger Law Firm (@johnvburger) September 19, 2019
CNN challenging liberals? The CNN rating free fall is having an impact.
— J79129 (@j79129) September 19, 2019
OR more likely, Beto is so insane and ridiculous that even CNN can’t spin it.
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