Trump winning the election broke a lot of people.
Like Debra Messing for example.
A fundraiser for Trump is being held in Beverly Hills the week of the Emmy’s and Deb asked for the media to ‘print’ a list of those attending. Almost like a ‘blacklist’.
And here we thought no one could outdo Joaquin Castro’s attempt at targeting harassing Trump supporters.
When Deb was called out she defended herself by … wait for it … playing dumb.
I am proud to be a donor when I contribute to a campaign. I am happy to be listed when I attend a fundraiser. I am assuming anyone who donates to Trump’s fundraiser would feel the same. Why wouldn’t they?
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) September 1, 2019
Then again, maybe she wasn’t ‘playing’.
#MySleeptweet Wow…the venom is strong in this one. Seeing that I know firsthand what it’s like to be “blacklisted” or “partially blacklisted”, I’m disappointed that you’d double down on this issue. Karma is NEVER kind and when it arrives, it’s devastating. Open your mind…
— Isaiah Washington (@IWashington) September 1, 2019
You literally called for them to be blacklisted then ask why they wouldn’t want it public?
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) September 2, 2019
Oh I dunno, have you seen how your side treats Trump supporters? You have a congresswoman that literally told people to chase us out of gasoline stations. So maybe you lunatics putting us on a list could be a tad dangerous.
— Steve I can Read a Graph Madurski #PatHead (@SMadurski) September 1, 2019
I don’t care who you contribute to. It’s really none of my business. But I’m not nosy, controlling and full of hate like you are. So there’s that
— W.T.P. ?? (@brc5636) September 1, 2019
Because psychopaths like you and the media want to ruin people for it.
— ? Bean ? (@BeanfromPa) September 2, 2019
Because no one doxxes out blacklists you for it.
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) September 1, 2019
No one believes you're this dumb. You're not very convincing, as usual.
— Nick Searcy, INTERNATIONAL FILM & TELEVISION STAR (@yesnicksearcy) September 2, 2019
IDGAF who you vote for. Your turn, Deb.
— Molly Ratty (@molratty) September 1, 2019
So now you're going to be dishonest about it.
— "Fredo" is racist toward Italians who are dumb (@jtLOL) September 1, 2019
Because liberals have turned so violent people lives are at risk.
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) September 2, 2019
You're such a garbage person.
— JWF (@JammieWF) September 2, 2019
This is what you call voter intimidation, common among the democrats who cannot think for themselves and hate that Conservatives do. The left has weaponized free speech much like everything else that protects us. When you silence others eventually you silence yourself.
— Katie (@CovfefeKatie) September 1, 2019
I’m sure you are, but conservatives also believe in free speech. They don’t set out to completely destroy a person financially or perpetuate physical vilolence against the person, their family, or property if they choose to have an opposing viewpoint.
— Jason (@thegozz_1) September 1, 2019
Because you and your intolerant asshole friends want to blacklist them and work with them again. You can’t be this stupid, I can only assume you think everyone else is.
— Doug Stafford (@dougstafford) September 1, 2019
And then she tweeted this?
How to Find Who Donated to Trump in Your Area
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) September 1, 2019
We’d ask what the heck is wrong with this woman but we’re pretty sure we don’t have the time to sit around and hear it all.
You want Trump to win, don’t you.
— Bridget Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) September 2, 2019
And THERE it is.
Well … BYE: Harvard-bound David Hogg’s latest demand around gun control goes ALL SORTS of wrong
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