Can we get Chuck Schumer from 2009 back, please?
At least when it comes to dealing with illegal immigration, reform, and border security because well … damn.
Chuck Schumer in 2009:
-Americans don't like illegal immigration
-"Illegal immigration is wrong"
-People illegally in the U.S. are "illegal aliens," not "undocumented"
-Border fence made the southern border "far more secure…created a significant barrier to illegal immigration"— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 28, 2018
RIGHT in his badoobies and yes, badoobies are a thing. Google it.
He was right.
Americans DON’T like illegal immigration, it IS wrong, they are illegal, not undocumented and YES, we need to make our southern border far more secure. And now, not even ten years later, he’s willing to completely shut down the govt. over $5 billion dollars to build the wall.
Democrats. *sigh* What happened, Chuck?
The Democrats have changed so much in just 10 years. At this rate, what do you think they'll be saying in 2029?
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) December 28, 2018
Dude, we don’t even want to go there yet.
Countdown to Trump tweeting this video…
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) December 28, 2018
Hearing this kind of stuff makes me sick. Convenient memory loss I suppose. Good Lord Almighty, I sure hate politics
— John W. Rose (@Johnwesley2112) December 28, 2018
If we thought people would read stories about cat gifs and recipes yup, we’d be right there with John.
Let’s build that wall @SenSchumer!!
— The Purdue Uno – One Nutted Wonder (@ThePurdueUno) December 28, 2018
So what’s changed… I know… Trumps President. #MAGA
— Sheila4Christ (@SheilaShaul1) December 28, 2018
Something like that. Yes.
I think @realDonaldTrump should come out now and say he’s for open borders & sanctuary cities and we can sit back & watch to see how fast the hypocrite twins @SenSchumer & @NancyPelosi go back to this way of thinking and push for the border wall.
— Scot (@slraider) December 28, 2018
This could actually work, lol.
According to what he stated last week this was his body double as he has never said such a thing about illegals. Trump 2020
— Ron B (@aljama724) December 28, 2018
Whoa, Chuck is a robot?! WE KNEW IT.
What a bullshit artist
— AJ Benza (@RealAJBenza) December 28, 2018
‘Nuff said.
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