Sooner or later, our good, sweet, delicate friends on the Left are going to figure out they cannot keep comparing Trump’s actions to those of Obama or Hillary because whether they want to admit it or not, both Democrats were shady AF.
Although to be fair, we’re not entirely sure who the shadiest of the pair is … both are pretty freakin’ shady.
But that didn’t stop Sally Kohn from trying to use Obama and Hillary in this slam on Trump:
As always, imagine for a second if Obama or Hillary Clinton has done even a fraction of this…. The GOP would be apoplectic
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) November 29, 2018
As always, imagine for a second if Sally thought before she tweeted.
But then again, if she did that whatever would we write about?
Scratch that.
She continued:
2014: Russia annexes Crimea, which GOP blames on Obama for not being tough enough on Russia
2018: Russia fires on Ukrainian ships, seizes passengers, and Trump who was cozying up to Russia pursuing business there AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, cancels talks with Putin. GOP crickets!
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) November 29, 2018
Such a whataboutism FAIL!
And she tried so hard here, too.
The 1980s called…..
— Matthew T. Genelin (@MattGenelin) November 29, 2018
Name a president, in the last 3 admins, that has been tougher on Russia than trump. Then prove it in light of how trump has been with Russia…
— Adam Strange (@Till_Daddy) November 29, 2018
In the last three? Well, we know one who was more than willing to be more flexible with Russia after his election, does that count?
More Russians killed by this administration than the past two. What about Barry’s flexibility after his election? And Hillary’s Russian reset. Yeah you guys are tough until I look 20 minutes into the past. I can even show you where/when you wanted borders closed at one time too.
— Grandma 180 (@Grandma_180) November 29, 2018
Convenient memories, the lot of ’em.
Mood: OWNED! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeting THIS as her current mood proves a HISTORIC fail
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