Matthew Dowd thinking he understands what the ‘moral majority’ believes, thinks or wants may be one of the funniest things we’ve seen on Twitter in a long time. Wonder if he sees the hypocrisy of excluding people based on their skin color and faith while he rambles on about who he thinks makes up the moral majority?
We’re going to guess he does not.
There is a new Moral Majority in America. And it isn’t white evangelicals, the NRA, or the supporters of Trump. It is the majority of the country who believe in integrity in government, compassion, the rule of law, and justice. They are raising their voices daily. Esp. Today
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) March 24, 2018
Wow, Matthew is so deep and meaningful. *eye roll*
A protest full of people who are clueless about why they’re actually protesting so they blame an organization for events it had nothing to do with is totally the moral majority.
It’s painful, right?
significant point. by virtue of Electoral College, over-representation of small states in Senate, and House district boundaries, levers of American power currently controlled by those holding minority views. mobilization of majority threatens that
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) March 25, 2018
Is John claiming people in flyover America shouldn’t have a say in how this country is run? How very fascist of him.
Just no words for the level of ignorance in this one tweet.
Ok, so this editor has a bunch of words, but none of them are appropriate for Twitchy … so instead she’ll think them to herself.
You don’t Constitutional Republic very well, do you?
— Dwarfclone (@Dwarfclone) March 25, 2018
He probably thinks we’re a Democracy.
so you've decided to take the "speak and remove all doubt" option?
— Anders Eigen (@AndersEigen) March 25, 2018
Seems that way.
— Drummed Out of the SpaceForce (@JSmithLClass) March 25, 2018
Just. Wow.
The important thing for John and Mathew to understand is their goal of stripping Constitutional rights from Americans will only lead to their own demise.
— Cops4Cruz (@Cops4Cruz) March 25, 2018
They seem to think people in smaller states don’t have the same rights they do.
It’s terrifying.
Weird that the same people who talk about equality, minority rights etc. Hate that the Electoral College is all about equality and minority rights.
— Professor Emeritus Don Wayne (@abdwj48) March 25, 2018
No it isn’t. Those folks choose NOT to live in Chicago or Houston. Why in the world should those cities hold undue sway over them? It’s a republic. NOT a democracy for a very good reason.
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 25, 2018
Can’t figure out which tweet is more ridiculous; yours, or the one you quote tweeted.
— Mark Ripollone (@MarkRipollone) March 25, 2018
They’re both pretty damn dumb.
Damn electoral college & ‘over representation of small states’ – Brave firefighting gatekeeper of constitution
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 25, 2018
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