What a gutless toad.
Piers Morgan was big and bad talking trash about Dana Loesch during the CNN Town Hall last night, so big and bad in fact that he did not tag her in this horrible and vile tweet in which he made a very personal and ugly attack on her:
Dana Loesch perfectly exemplifying the cold, calculating, ruthless & sickening mindset of the NRA – whose sole purpose is to sell more guns & milk every mass shooting to that end.
God they make me puke. #CNNTownHall pic.twitter.com/DA78XI37OD— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 22, 2018
And he didn’t have the nards to even tag her so she could defend herself.
Where can I buy a gun from the NRA? I didn't know they sold guns.
— Stephanie (@gritshappen) February 22, 2018
Right? Not only do these people seem to think the NRA is somehow responsible for a monster shooting people, they think the NRA sells guns too.
That baseless rant makes me want to extend my membership some more, for balance.
— Horst von Horstmann (@Kaboom1776) February 22, 2018
If Dana is the face of the NRA why WOULDN’T we want to be members? She’s brilliant, tough, lovely and fearless … the perfect example indeed of a powerful woman. No wonder Piers is simpering over his bangers and mash in a subtweet, he’s probably terrified of her.
It takes a certain audacity to accuse anyone of having blood on their hands when you belong to a profession that bathes in it.
— Richard DeCamp (@richdecamp) February 22, 2018
And to do it in a subtweet.
Weak. Weak. Weak.
You're such an idiot, I bet you didn't even watch it.
— Your Party Sucks! (@LennyGhoul) February 22, 2018
He just knows that guns go pew pew pew and that Dana Loesch supports the Second Amendment.
They have been doing an AWFUL lot of projecting for the last … oh … 30 years or so.
We realize you had a falling out with @DLoesch , but you exemplify another reason the @NRA exists. You vilify peaceful gun owners from your gated communities, with armed guards.
— T (@jcmthe4th) February 22, 2018
‘SO MUCH BS’! CNN gets DRAGGED for claiming they didn’t script town hall questions (and never have)
Oh HONEY: Femzilla Jessica Valenti LOSES HER DAMN MIND when Dana Loesch says guns protect women
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