Chad Felix Greene, a popular Conservative, Jewish and gay voice in social media DARED tweet about people who are HIV positive being responsible for doing their part on a personal level to prevent the spread of the disease.
Greene is also himself HIV positive.
I firmly believe there are only two ways the HIV epidemic will be stopped in America:
1) A cure or vaccine
2) HIV+ people dedicate themselves to HIV management and prevention on a personal level.Option 2 is currently the most viable choice.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 8, 2018
Sounds like being a responsible adult.
Seriously, who would take issue with such a stance on HIV.
Oh wait, that’s right. Hollywood types.
We’re pretty sure Mark doesn’t know Chad’s story.
I was raped and intentionally infected Mark.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 8, 2018
That Chad was a victim of rape and intentionally infected with HIV somehow tells this Hollywood yahoo ‘everything’ he needs to know about him?
What a sweetheart.
And by sweetheart we mean complete and total dbag.
We've had massive public education on HIV/AIDS for 30 years.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 8, 2018
Mark is angry.
So angry at Chad that he blocked him.
Another Hollywood elitist shouting at a sexual assault survivor for stepping out of line with progressive thinking. ☕
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 8, 2018
For shame!
And Hollywood wonders why we don’t take them seriously, about anything.
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