During the 2015 primary, it became painfully clear that there was a YUGE divide on the right when it came to Donald Trump. And honestly, even after Trump won the primary the divide remained … it may have even grown deeper during the election. But then Trump won, and many people who were not thrilled with Trump figured out they had to work with what they had (yours truly included), so they’ve been calling balls and strikes with the president.
Trump does something good, gold star.
Trump does something bad, no star.
Still, there are some who hate Trump so much that it seems they can’t enjoy even the things he has accomplished as a Republican that they would accept from any other president; and they have also been very critical of Conservatives who say, ‘I am no fan of Trump but …’
Rising Conservative rock star, @Molratty finally had enough of this attitude from ‘true cons,’ and promoted the hilarious tag, #ImNoFanOfTrumpBut.
Here are some of the funniest takes on the tag:
I'm no fan of Trump, but I'm really hoping to take a day or two off without lifting anything with a curling motion because a tendon in my left arm is strained and needs a rest. #ImNoFanofTrumpBut (h/t @molratty)
— (((≠))) (@ThomasHCrown) January 26, 2018
I’m no fan of Trump but oatmeal raisin cookies are chocolate chip wannabes made nefariously to trick people into eating them. #ImNoFanOfTrumpBut
— J.R. Holmsted (@JHolmsted) January 26, 2018
Getting tense up in here.
#ImNoFanOfTrumpBut Coffee ice cream is best of all the ice creams.
— Ken Gardner (@KenGardner11) January 26, 2018
I'm no fan of Trump, but I've always wondered whether trees feel any pain when you scrape off pieces of their bark or dig into them with sharp objects, and how that might affect the maple syrup industry if it were proven. #ImNoFanOfTrumpBut
— The Nats Won The World Series (@EsotericCD) January 26, 2018
I'm no fan of Trump but, I will turn this car around if you two don't behave#ImNoFanofTrumpBut
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) January 26, 2018
I’m no fan of Trump, but if they’re bringing back all of these 80s and 90s shows, I demand that they bring back “Night Court” too. #ImNoFanOfTrumpBut
— Jenna (@jennabean) January 26, 2018
I’m no fan of Trump, but I have ice cream in the freezer and I’m waiting for people to fall asleep so I fon’t have to share. #ImNoFanOfTrumpBut
— Fredo N. Twittur (@fredontwittur) January 26, 2018
#ImNoFanofTrumpBut I'll never understand why people willingly drink unsweetened iced tea.
— Ray G. (@rlg100619) January 26, 2018
I’m no fan of Trump, but wearing bread bags over your socks when it rains is sound advice.
— Hepatitis M (@OohMyNose) January 26, 2018
I'm no fan of Trump, but I wish they'd stop reviving all these crappy 80's and 90's TV shows.
— SpaceDetectiveComputer (@Hal_RTFLC) January 26, 2018
Ultimately what this tag is saying is LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE, if you were pro-life before Trump was elected you shouldn’t stop being pro-life because you hate the guy. Or if you supported tax cuts before he was elected you should still support them even if you can’t stand that he’s president.
This ain’t rocket science folks, it’s just politics.
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