Another day, another gaggle of menopausal men attacking Jenna Jameson for being a Trump supporter. It’s interesting really, the same men who claim that Trump is a sexist monster say far more horrible things to Jenna than we’ve ever seen from the president …
Hypocrites the lot of ’em.
This time the horde was triggered by these tweets, which actually made us lol:
The level of screeching leftists after trumps tweet storm today is palpable. I bet you could hear it from space.
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 3, 2018
If a lib screeches into the sky, and no one is around to hear it… did the lib really screech at all? #reeeeeee
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 3, 2018
Yes, they will screech even when no one is listening.
It’s all they know how to do.
Syphilitically demented dotard.
See? They’re so easily worked up, poor things. Perhaps they should try a little more bran in their diets.
So your theory is that potus is going to start World War III in an effort to distract from theorized incompetence? Jesus you people are thick ??♀️
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 3, 2018
Calling these people thick is an insult to thick people.
A President can't launch a nuke on his own. There are at least half a dozen people that have to agree to it. Unless we are under a direct attack. These morons need to look at the law. It's only been there for decades.
— Bruce (@BruceWaTheTruth) January 3, 2018
But …
Correct… but but but #reeeeeeeeeee
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 3, 2018
Gosh, what can you say to such a thought-provoking tweet?
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 3, 2018
Oh yeah.
Uh…. he talked about Nuclear War. That in itself should be worthy of impeachment. He is not protecting the American People he is trying to get us annihilated
— Scott Lee (@xulesyou) January 3, 2018
Talking about Nuclear War is enough to impeach a president. Seriously dude?
I bet you wax your arms
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 3, 2018
And his legs.
Sure is. The demise of this planet is in the hands of 2 children in a pissing contest!!! Smh
— candy (@candyissodandy) January 3, 2018
Pipe down with the “the sky is falling” garbage….
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 4, 2018
Right? It’s getting a little old.
You and my grandfather have a lot more in common than I would have guessed
— Joshua Kessler (@JoshuaKessler1) January 4, 2018
Your grandfather has an epic rack?
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 4, 2018
And dead.
Seriously??? Says the "recovering" wana b porn queen that still promotes her porn flicks.??
— ?? #Pr♡udAmeric☆n?? #GodBlessOurMilitary?? (@TweeTLeDaMe) January 4, 2018
Look, another typical sexist attack from the tolerant Left.
Let’s dissect this moronic tweet, shall we? Yes, I’m sober, no need for quotes. I am the queen of porn, calling me a wanna be is foolish. I don’t need to promote my films since I sold my library to playboy for 30 mill. #imyourhuckleberry
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 4, 2018
More from Jenna.
First of all, no one can take you seriously because of your shirtless bathroom selfie. Second, I will proudly be “lumped in” with Christians. They don’t promote infanticide or glorify pedophiles. ??
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 2, 2018
Like you never had an abortion come on now!!
— J J walker (@trumpfucksgoats) January 4, 2018
Dude, c’mon.
I never have… and never will. I am unlike the wishy washy women you must know, that don’t mind murdering their child because they feel inconvenienced
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 4, 2018
Sit down.
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