True story, Guy Benson has been the most factual, consistent resource on the GOP tax bill. When Democrats were screeching that this bill only benefitted the rich, Benson was front and center quoting info and stats from various objective resources; he even used the Tax Policy Center which is traditionally a tad left-leaning.
.@guypbenson on @POTUS uniting the GOP through his tax bill: "This is a massive win, not just for the Republican party, but for the American people and for long-held conservative goals." @IngrahamAngle
— Fox News (@FoxNews) December 22, 2017
Huge win for the American people.
And you know what that means, progressives and the Left hate it.
Like this guy:
"long-held conservative goal"
***raises the debt by $2 trillion***
— William LeGate (@williamlegate) December 22, 2017
Debt? NOW he wants to talk about debt?! WTF has he been over the last near-decade of Obama amassing more debt than any other president before him?
In dynamic scores, nonpartisan Tax Foundation anticipates $448B in new deficits & JCT projects less than $1T. Those are sig additions to the debt for sure, but not in the ballpark of your #. I also favor entitlement reform to save those programs & address long term debt. Thx.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 22, 2017
It’s like they don’t understand basic economics or even math for that reason.
And let’s not pretend that a Republican-led Congress won’t work to cut spending as well.
Obama cut the deficit in half… funny how you all said you cared about it when, in reality, Republicans just decided that they are no longer fiscally conservative.
— William LeGate (@williamlegate) December 22, 2017
The deficit is different from debt, punkin.
You know LeGate really thought this was a serious GOTCHA.
He was wrong.
Oh, honey. Obama roughly *doubled* the national debt. The previous 43 presidents accumulated $10.63 trillion in debt. On Jan 20, 2017, the debt was $19.95 trillion. We do have a debt problem. It's a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 22, 2017
When you see, ‘Oh, honey,’ at the beginning of a Guy Benson tweet you KNOW it’s not going to be good for the guy (or gal) on the end.
Here again your shallow understanding will bite you. Did you factor in what GWB kept off the books for wars? Nope. Do you understand reducing deficit isn't debt reduction? Nope. But O's trajectory was a good one. @gop just reversed it.
— Larry (@Larry_du_Nord) December 22, 2017
Shallow understanding.
Doesn’t that ever get old for them?
"Off the books" wars ARE included in those debt figures bc that $ was spent. Your point on debt underscores my point, so thanks. And as Obama left office, CBO said his trajectory put us back on track to $1T deficits w/in the budget window. Other than that, good tweet. #shallow
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 22, 2017
He might as well have said, ‘Good talk.’
‘HUSH, woman.’ Michelle Malkin SHREDS Nancy Pelosi for claim that GOP is robbing ‘poor kids’
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