Oh look, the History Channel is trying help Roy Moore get elected. Someone should tell them snide, smug comments about the GOP candidate will only inspire Alabamians who support him to support him MORE.
But hey, they made a funny … or not:
Here’s a list of 5 of the most daring escapes from slavery. Although according to Roy Moore, America was great then – so why would people want to escape?
https://t.co/Igbl6ml5I0 pic.twitter.com/wvu9q92ccM— HISTORY (@HISTORY) December 11, 2017
OH HA HA HA. Granted, his statement on the Civil War was … well, dumb. But if you read the full piece and not the portion that was taken out of context, what Moore was really saying was he missed living in a time where family mattered.
Or something.
We dunno.
All we do know is silly tweets like this from smug outsiders only make Moore supporters more determined to vote for him.
Way to go, History Channel.
Stick to History. We don’t want your take on current events.
— Tim Kennedy (@TimKennedyMMA) December 11, 2017
Stick with what they know, fair.
This is an obnoxious tweet. Its not your job to pick side and spread bullshit.
— Kris Williams (@KrisWilliams) December 12, 2017
It was pretty obnoxious.
Somebody get the millennial intern away from the social media accounts.
— Ashur Wiedrich (@WiedrichAshur) December 11, 2017
Stay out of politics! People need something to see to get away from that #TheChannelFormerlyKnownAsHistoryChannel
— Ron (@mtcaptnron) December 11, 2017
@HISTORY – you are supposed to be neutral ! Just facts, pls ?
— VP (@ErudVP) December 11, 2017
Yikes, History Channel.
Talk about a historic beatdown.
‘CANNOT be real’! Who thought this Roy Moore interview was a GOOD idea?
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