Oh poor Monica Lewinsky. It must really stink going through life knowing she is the butt of so many jokes while Bill Clinton is held in such high regard in his community. We almost feel sorry for her … almost.
Take for example, the #TakeTheKnee tag didn’t go so hot for her:
.@MonicaLewinsky was the first person to #TakeTheKnee
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) September 24, 2017
shazamming all of you who retweeted + liked this tweet w/compassion + empathy. AND nothing funny about #TakeTheKnee. #PeacefulProtests ?? https://t.co/PdrpiAdSQv
— Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) September 24, 2017
What the Hell is shazamming people?
Maybe we don’t wanna know.
Plenty funny about #TakeTheKnee, not so much funny about how the Clinton’s treated women (in relation to Bill) their whole career.
— 1001 Yangian Nights ? (@MckinleyDHughes) September 24, 2017
Fair point.
The Left sure got upset over Aaron’s joke:
How dare this person assume Aaron’s gender.
These people have no sense of humor.
Wait, does this guy’s handle have the word ‘pube’ in it?
Dude was especially triggered.
you know the most insulting thing here? It isn't funny. You are an insult to people who take humor seriously.
— John Lurie (@lurie_john) September 24, 2017
Whadd’ya wanna bet John has laughed at more than his fair share of ugly jokes about Melania Trump? *eye roll*
Man, these people need to lighten up.
VILE: Left cheers doc who bought dead baby parts from Planned Parenthood for taking a knee
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