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Clutch those pearls! Ben Shapiro NUKES (ha ha) Sen. Dianne Feinstein over Trump's #UNGA speech

Oh look, Dianne Feinstein is upset over Trump’s UNGA speech.

As we write this we can only imagine the thousands of people rolling their eyes along with us …


The president used the UN as a stage to threaten war.


If by using the UN as a stage she means Trump laid down the law and said America is done being a doormat, we agree.


These people.

Fair question.

Why does the Left seem to think so little of America?

Oh, and we’re pretty sure Dianne missed this …

Do as they say not as they do, right?


Dude, CHILL: Jim Acosta FREAKS over Trump’s #UNGA speech, trips over Obama’s N. Korea rhetoric

‘Iran SUCKS, BRUH’: Ben Rhodes gets OWNED for defending Iran Deal, attacking Trump’s #UNGA speech

Former Hillary staffer Brian Fallon wins for dumbest tweet on Trump’s address to #UNGA

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