Matthew. Dude.
A fundamentalist radical Christian is just as misguided and frightening as a fundamentalist radical Muslim. No difference.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) August 10, 2017
Right? All of those stories about Christians out there beheading people, stabbing them on bridges and running them down with vans.
Ummm … HUGE difference.
For example, radical Christians MIGHT tell gays they’re going to Hell while radical Muslims toss them off buildings to die.
If that were true you wouldn't have said it.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) August 10, 2017
Mic. Freakin’. Drop.
One of these two "frightening" groups of people is far more likely to act on their misguided impulses.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) August 10, 2017
But Christians are mean!
A fundamentalist radical Democrat (read Socialist) is just as misguided and frightening as either one of those.
What's your point?— Allen Ray the Infinitely Prolonged (@2CynicAl65) August 10, 2017
Matthew is likely bored and looking to troll the masses for some attention.
The radical devotees of a hippie who told us to love our neighbor as ourselves are just as scary as the radical devotees of a warlord 1/2
— ?Boko Harambe? (@BokoHarambe) August 10, 2017
Who left behind a system of laws punishing sinners harshly in this life and exonerating sins if you die for your faith, not atonement. 2/2
— ?Boko Harambe? (@BokoHarambe) August 10, 2017
Still not sure where this notion that Christians are as scary or as dangerous as Muslims came from. The Crusades?
These people.
I feel sorry for you.
— FrogDoc (@TueborFrog) August 10, 2017
We don’t.
We're beheading some heathens at the church picnic this afternoon. Bring a casserole. Bring the kids. Good times.
— Fauxmaha (@J3ffMiller) August 10, 2017
Whoohoo, and a game of charades after!
*eye roll*
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Really? Name-calling between CHILDREN ‘investigated’ by U.K. police as transphobic hate incident
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