Senator Chris Murphy filibustered the Senate floor for nearly 15 hours demanding Senate Republicans agree to a vote on magical gun control. Now what that vote would look like we’re not exactly sure, something to do with big mean guns that fire lots of bullets and doing away with due process so they can protect us and stuff …
I am prepared to stand on the Senate floor and talk about the need to prevent gun violence for as long as I can. I've had #Enough
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) June 15, 2016
He’s had enough – someone get that guy a tissue.
Meanwhile, Conservative Twitter took the senator and the filibuster crowd to task …
Obama could have passed gun control in 2009. He didn't. We're laughing at all of you. #fillibuster
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) June 16, 2016
Yup, Democrats had a majority in 2009 but to be fair those sillies didn’t realize how many mass shootings would happen under a president who refuses to call terror, terror. So filibuster!
Filibuster away! All I know is I get a gun. Period. That crazy lil Bill of Rights says so.
— The Loftus Party (@theloftusparty) June 16, 2016
Word. Onward filibuster!
Party that booed God and Jerusalem now on record with a 15-hour filibuster against part of the Bill of Rights.
— Razor (@hale_razor) June 16, 2016
Psh. But filibuster.
That blasted Constitution, always getting in the way of Democrats controlling our lives because freedom is so scary! Filibuster!
C’mon now, criminals ALWAYS obey the law … oh wait.
Dear @SenateDems, please see below for my full response to your #filibuster.
— Conrad Close (@conradclose) June 16, 2016
Our sentiments exactly.
I blame airplanes for 9/11 #filibuster
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) June 16, 2016
Ban box cutters too! Filibuster or bust!
Then end gun free zones #filibuster
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) June 16, 2016
Stop making sense, when you make sense you only confuse Democrats. And speaking of confused Democrats, see Cory Booker.
Cory Booker cites debunked Bloomberg lie “70% of NRA members polled.” Membership not public. Impossible poll unless magic. #filibuster
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 16, 2016
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