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'So, a THREAT?!' Same day gunman caught outside Kavanaugh's home, Biden talks revolution over Roe and jailing opponents on Jimmy Kimmel (watch)

Can you guys IMAGINE if Trump had gone on with Jimmy Kimmel and talked about a ‘mini revolution’ taking place in November if SCOTUS ruled a certain way? Ok, so this would never have happened because Jimmy would never invite 45 on his show, but still. Every crap outlet in existence would have headline after headline screaming about Trump threatening our elections, and Schiff and the idiot squad would start the impeachment process AGAIN.


But since it’s crazy old Joe we suppose it’s ok?

What a tool.

From The Hill:

President Biden in an interview broadcast late Wednesday predicted a “mini-revolution” in November’s midterm elections if the Supreme Court overturns the landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which enshrined abortion access as a constitutional right.

During the interview on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” Biden said overturning the court precedent would be “ridiculous” and would motivate turnout in November’s elections.

“I don’t think the country will stand for it,” Biden said. “If in fact the decision comes down the way it does, and these states impose the limitations they’re talking about, it’s going to cause a mini-revolution and they’re going to vote these folks out of office.”

Voting people out of office isn’t a revolution, Joe.

Oh, and then there’s this little nugget.

Republicans don’t play it square?


Our Democracy will be in jeopardy.

We gotta send them to jail.


Scary stuff.


Yeah, the timing on this was really really really poor, Joe.

Psh, it would be a mostly peaceful insurrection.


Sure seems that way.



#NeverTrump harpy Cheri Jacobus’s NASTY swipe at Brett Kavanaugh and his FAMILY after gunman arrested near his home does NOT go well

SHADY AF! Hunter Biden’s prostitute PAL who bought crack for and had orgies with him received an INTERESTING gov ‘benefit’

WaPo’s response to Fox News’ follow-up on Taylor Lorenz’s DUMPSTER fire of a story proves they’re NOT a serious outlet, like at all (thread)

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