Rob Reiner says it’s simple.
Republicans don’t respect women.
Don’t be too hard on Rob over his tweet … he’s about as bright as a dim yellow bulb. Sorry, he’s not even really that bright. What’s dimmer than a dim yellow bulb?
THAT’S him.
It’s simple. Republicans don’t respect women.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 12, 2022
You’d think he’d have bothered to go through his own timeline checking for tweets where he was openly disrespecting women himself before making such a claim but nope. We suppose in his empty little noggin Republican women deserved to be treated how he treated them.
Right, Meathead?
There’s no other way to say this: Marjorie Taylor Greene is a lying sack of crap.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) April 22, 2022
So respectful.
The latest from the Racist White Nationalist Party: Lauren Boebert goes full out anti-Muslim on Ilan Omar. The only way out of this White Supremacist assault on our Democracy is to pass Voting Rights.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) November 26, 2021
Susan Collins turns her back on women who have been traumatized by sexual assault. Elections have consequences. To start turning the ship of state back towards the rule of law, decency, truth, and the preservation of Democracy, Nov.6 has to be a lot more than a blue wave. VOTE!!!
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) October 5, 2018
Boy, he really trashed Susan Collins over Kavanaugh … attacking a woman because he was mad about a man being nominated by Trump.
Women who have been traumatized by the emotional pain of sexual assault have been fighting forever to be heard and believed. If Collins, Murkowski, Manchin, and Flake vote to confirm Kavanaugh, they will be turning their backs on and codifying a woman’s pain.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) October 4, 2018
Pretty sure Rob has zero place babbling about a ‘woman’s pain’. Especially because Blasey-Ford was a liar.
And of course, he trashed Melania Trump.
Don’t think I’ve ever heard of a First Lady being booed. But when you’re married to a Criminal who’s destroying Democracy, it comes with the territory.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) November 26, 2019
And he went after Ivanka Trump.
If Ivanka Trump is unwilling to answer questions about the sexually abusive behavior of the President of the United States she clearly doesn’t stand for women’s rights and has no business holding a job in the Trump administration.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) February 26, 2018
Yeah, Meathead is a real charmer.
You obviously do not know any Republicans. The overturning of Roe has nothing to do with respecting women. It has to do with respecting the Constitution. Abortion will be left to the States and the People… many of which are women.
— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) May 13, 2022
Democrats hate Americans
— TootieBird (@tootiebirdLD) May 13, 2022
From some one that can't tell us what a women is…
— Cedar Angus Leif (@CedarLeif) May 13, 2022