Don’t worry folks, CNN’s Donnie O’Sullivan was front and center during Biden’s train wreck of a Town Hall to deflect with tweets about Q.
Forget that when they did research on Q they had to go all the way to Australia to find a single person who took Q seriously …
Honestly, the only people who really pay attention to Q are those on the Left and in the media so they can pretend all of those evil people who disagree with them are unhinged, crazed, conspiracy theorists.
Like seriously, he thought this was worth sharing?
Checked in on a QAnon forum after Biden mentioned QAnon at CNN Town Hall.
Discussion there has turned to how the person on stage isn’t really Biden….
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) July 22, 2021
How hard do you think the 4Chan trolls who came up with the Q conspiracy group laugh when they see stuff like this?
Are you okay?
— (@jtLOL) July 22, 2021
So CNN is following Qanon. Not surprising.
— Brad Slager – In Trouble More Than Pres. Biden (@MartiniShark) July 22, 2021
Following the hard-hitting news like QAnon and which flavor of ice cream Biden had before the Town Hall.
Q isn't actually a thing but you go girl.
— JohnGalt 🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@JohnJGaltrules) July 22, 2021
You go girl, heh.
Things that didn't happen for $1000 alex
— Leavethe99 (@Leavethe991) July 22, 2021
Most Americans don’t even know what Q is, including Republicans. According to Pew Research, the group most familiar with Q is liberal Democrats.
— Zelda A. Gabriel (@ZeldaAGabriel) July 22, 2021
Color us shocked.
Nice try.
— Dave Sherrill (@TheDaveSherrill) July 22, 2021
No one cares about QAnon.
— Allen (@allenthegreat01) July 22, 2021
Donnie does.
And apparently CNN does.
— Matthew Masterson (@mastersonmv) July 22, 2021
You know what's funny?
I get called part of "Q" all the time, and have never seen any Q documents or online discussions.
But this guy, who is likely the type to call me a "Q", has no problem logging into their forums, etc.
— Dreamwork'd von F*ckstick (@Wolfknight74) July 22, 2021
CNN loves QAnon
— Nick (@NickAtNight128) July 22, 2021
— The Levine Man (@man_levine) July 22, 2021
Yeah, we laughed too.
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