Teachers’ unions are a boil on the butt of humanity.
Truth hurts.
We knew that before the pandemic but WHOA NELLY, they’ve really made themselves villains over the past year working to keep kids out of schools and making political demands that have NOTHING to do with safety or anything else. And far too many school boards have let them get away with it (looking at almost ALL of you in Virginia and other blue states). Every time they make a new argument to stay out a study debunks it, so they go again, and again, and now they’re playing the ‘parents who want their kids to go back are racists’ card.
They’re worse than a boil on the butt of humanity.
They’re a cancer.
PoliMath wrote a brutal thread about what is happening across the country to our kids:
This is a big video and it is how people increasing feel in my school district where kids haven't had a day of in-person classes since Marchhttps://t.co/kuND0VR7F1
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
These videos break our hearts.
But the unions don’t care.
Ask yourselves why.
I'm going to write on this soon, but a big part of the reason I rail against the ever evolving, increasingly desperate reasons people have for keeping things closed is b/c those arguments matter.
Those arguments are being used against kids and parents. They're used to oppress.
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
The unions claim they’re oppressed, they’re fighting the machine when really THEY ARE the oppressors.
They are the machine.
And they are destroying public education in this country.
Stay home.
But the arguments you advance are being used against us.
They're being used against my school district, which is desperate to open. It's being used against my kids, against my church, against the dying who can't have their family in the hospital.
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
This is oppression, in case you were wondering.
Especially if you have kids in school, if you're going about a semi-normal life, you need to stop.
Take whatever precautions you deem appropriate for you and your family and shut the fuck up.
Because when you say something isn't safe, our school unions parrot that back at us.
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
Goalpost after goalpost shifted.
Thanks unions and school boards.
We have been dealing with people who evolve their rationales for not opening on a week-by-week basis, abandoning one argument when it becomes outdated and instantly shifting to the next one.
There's always a new reason to impose these hardships on our families and kids.
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
And too many school boards cave, ignoring the very real concerns of the parents and students … to serve the unions.
Realize that, when you think you're making an academic argument for caution, you may mean "this is what I'm doing to reduce my risk" but what other people read is "this thing must be forced on all people at all times"
B/c trust me when I say that is what is happening right now
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
I am legitimately scared for one of my kids for reasons related to closed schools but not appropriate for twitter
I've never been this scared about my kids in my life
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 31, 2021
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