This tweet sent by the Joe Biden account (because you know it wasn’t Joe, we’d be shocked if Joe knows what Twitter is) has to be THE most Obama tweet ever. Maybe even more Obama-esque than the tweets these same lackeys wrote for Obama himself.
Look at this nonsense:
America was an idea. We've never lived up to it but we've never walked away from it before.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 22, 2020
He might as well have said, ‘You didn’t build that.’
Just call him Joe Obama.
If you hate the USA so much, why are you running for the highest office?
— Frederick Burgess (@tclbbs) October 22, 2020
C’mon man! Do we REALLY want another president who sees the Constitution as a barrier and blames America for all the wrongs in the world?
Stop using the "royal we" Joe.
America has lived up to its ideals.— ??squatchy ?? (@mynameissquatch) October 22, 2020
You walked away from it every single time you used your son to sell your office to our enemies.
— laura (@lacoolio1) October 22, 2020
You're a traitor. I can't wait to watch you lose the election then go down for selling America out.
— Hans Auf (@hansauf) October 22, 2020
Fire your social media intern.
— Lake Bum (@dustopian) October 22, 2020
Where’s Hunter? I have his laptop…
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) October 22, 2020
.@JoeBiden hope & change was an "idea". You never lived up to it. Now we know that you sold your position to our foreign enemies to line your pockets. We have to let the kids know the truth.
— Glen Woodfin (@GlenWoodfin) October 22, 2020
Who told you this was a winning platform?
— Helen Wheels (@txtiger1) October 22, 2020
He has no idea what they’re tweeting out in his name.
The idea of America is something YOU, as a 40 year politician that’s done nothing to help implement the idea of America, failed to live up to.
— JDwithJD (@JDwithJD) October 22, 2020
The only job Joe Biden ever created was one for Hunter.
You've been in politics for 47 years Joe… walked away very long time ago. Im not a big fan of Trump, but policy wise, he's done more for the country in 4 years than you have done in your 47 years.
— Jennifer Flowers (@Jennifer2Flower) October 22, 2020
Trump has accomplished more in four years than Joe has in 47 years.
Move to Canada.
— Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) October 22, 2020
Right? Canada seems much more Sleepy Joe’s speed.
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