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WOW, now THAT'S a meltdown! Katie Hill (yes, THAT Katie Hill) defends Matt Gaetz and his son and the Left just CAN'T deal

Well, this is something you don’t see every day …

Someone wanna check Hell and see if it’s frozen over? Maybe just a little bit chilly?

Katie Hill defended Matt Gaetz.


YES, that Katie Hill.

Take a look:

We’re shocked.

In a good way.

In fact, we checked for her blue checkmark several times to make sure this was legit …

It’s real.




And guess how the Left reacted …

Yup, they lost their minds.

People being decent to one another, the nerve!

Imagine losing faith in someone just because they are kind to someone you politically disagree with.

We are living in exceptionally stupid and horrible times.


How quickly they turn on the people they supposedly support if they step out of line even a little bit.

But you know, it’s the Right who is intolerant and hateful and stuff.



‘What are YOU gonna do?!’ Tom Arnold threatens Aubrey Huff for refusing to wear a mask and it does NOT end well for him

Hello, 9-1-1? We’d like to report a murder: Dan Bongino just lights Geraldo Rivera the eff UP for lying about #RayshardBrooks (watch)

‘Being WRONG is his thing’: Drew Holden’s brutal thread makes Rick Wilson’s terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week even WORSE

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