Here’s the thing, Elizabeth Warren thinks people are going to buy what she’s selling here.
Here’s the thing: When a candidate tells you about all the things that aren’t possible, about how political calculations come first, they’re telling you something very important. They’re telling you that they will not fight for you. Not me. I’m here to fight for our country.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) June 2, 2019
Dan Crenshaw tweeted the absolute truth about Elizabeth though and any other Democrat promising Americans they will solve all of their problems and give them a bunch of free stuff …
Another thing: when candidates promise voters that they’ll solve all their problems, it’s a lie, & it causes resentment.
It’s buying votes with false promises.
We’re free to pursue our own happiness. This doesn’t include giving our hard-earned money to your big gov programs.
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 2, 2019
It’s a lie and it causes resentment.
Well, sorta bingo, because when Democrats fail to solve problems and hand over the free stuff they will just blame Republicans even though they knew from the get-go there was no way to do any of the things they promised their voters.
"Life, Liberty, and
the PURSUIT of Happiness."Not Happiness itself, the PURSUIT of it.
— Utmost Conservative (@LeaningFarRight) June 3, 2019
Not to mention the things they promise to give everyone can only be gifted when first taken away from another. They always seem to leave that little tidbit out.
It’s going to be a HOOT watching this large field of Democrat hopefuls try to outdo each other touting proven failed programs, Free Stuff, and Socialism and then eat each other alive with negative campaigning… THEY SHOULD SELL TICKETS!
— Wayne Dunlap (@wdunlap) June 2, 2019
It’s definitely a circus.
Warren has never understood the difference between
1) good laws that help people & businesses enjoy honest, fair, positive-sum interactions that lead to prosperity
2) bad laws that redistribute wealth according to a zero-sum assumptions about the economy, which lead to ruin.— Geoffrey Miller (@primalpoly) June 3, 2019
Apparently, she has also never understood her own DNA, but we digress.
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