We think it’s safe to say that Van Jones took Hillary Clinton and her campaign to the shed in this speech.
See for yourself:
"The Hillary Clinton campaign didn't spend their money on white workers or people of color. They spent it on themselves.
They took a billion dollars and set it on fire and called it a campaign." –@VanJones68 pic.twitter.com/cRFPJ7vpq1
— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) December 9, 2018
‘They took a billion dollars and set it on fire.’
‘That wasn’t a campaign. It was a boondoggle. And now they want us to fight over the money.’
Then he said …
‘You’ve got to give the money back to the PEOPLE.’
Wow. Gosh, Hillary, seems it wasn’t just Wisconsin that cost you the election.
I’m glad he said it,Maybe he realizes that trump being elected wasn’t a white wash, it was that Hillary was crooked. Any other year the democrats would’ve beat trump. That’s a fact. But everyone was drinking Hillary’s cool aid & it backfired. America was smarter than the Clintons
— Joe P. (@palladinojoe128) December 10, 2018
America was smarter than the Clintons.
So. Much. This.
PERFECT description!!!
— Sollicitus CW3????????????????? (@ret_cw3) December 10, 2018
Perfect and painful.
The Clinton 2016 campaign used all their money on themselves and on British and Russian rumor mills about Trump.
— Miguel De Leon, Quisqueyano (@xchixm) December 10, 2018
*adjusts tinfoil hat just a little*
Yes and that doesn’t mean that it is ok for Hillary Clinton to run again with different staff.
— Our Revolution Broward (@BrowardOur) December 10, 2018
And of course, since Van Jones dared call out their Queen, the Hillary bots were out in full force:
Van Jones is a ridiculous human being. Why anyone keeps giving him a platform is beyond my ken.
— Scribulatora (@Scribulatora) December 10, 2018
This coming from the guy who asked Jared Kushner if he's having fun. @VanJones68 sure is selective about who he chooses to go hard on… ?
— Brody… but with a moustache ?? (@BrodySerravalli) December 10, 2018
Yes, clearly Van Jones is a Trump plant.
These people.
Van who? ??
— Viv (@VivJo27) December 10, 2018
Hillary who?
@VanJones68 trying to bait the American people to focus on Hillary hating instead of the traitor In chief that has committed more crimes during the campaign than any other candidate in the history of our country.
— Elle York (@ElleYork2) December 10, 2018
Word salad, yummy yummy.
I’ve never watched Van Jones show, sure as hell won’t now.
— Eligeo (@49geobet) December 10, 2018
They get so mad.
Mainly because Van is right.
C’mon, FOR REAL?! TIME’s ‘2018 Person of the Year’ seems JUST a teensy weensy bit self-serving
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