Imagine being so bitter, angry, and filled with hatred that you feel the need to crap all over the idea of a service dog mourning the loss of his companion. We suppose at this point nothing really surprises us from Leftist rags like Slate but wow, this was really awful, even for them.
John Cardillo called the writer of the garbage piece, Ruth Graham, out:
What a miserable life @publicroad of @Slate must lead to write something like this.
I maintain that leftists are angry unhappy people who want to bring everyone else down.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) December 4, 2018
Slate is gonna Slate, but still, John has a point here.
Ruth didn’t appreciate his tweet:
Sorry for "bringing you down" from the … joy … of imagining a dog was grieving?
— Ruth Graham (@publicroad) December 4, 2018
What is wrong with this woman? Wait, don’t answer that.
Maybe you should just stop now?
— catie lord (@tudsgrl) December 4, 2018
Ya’ think?
Just here for the ratio. Piece of shite
— Jason the Kafir (@jfsbird32) December 4, 2018
Obviously @publicroad does not know dogs, and how devoted and emotional a dog can be. Her loss.
— Barbara (@barbherron) December 4, 2018
Have you ever owned a dog?
— Pat Trick (@patpending0000) December 4, 2018
She definitely seems like more of a cat lady.
You thought it was…important…to write an article insisting that a dog didn't care about its very recently deceased owner?
— Virginia Plain (@GinnyPlain) December 4, 2018
Psst … she writes for Slate.
You are petty and trite, but here.
Have some attention anyway.
— Missile Toes (@Machovell1an) December 4, 2018
Yes! Double down, please. Triple, even.
— What a Stupid Time to be Alive (@mrd125) December 4, 2018
Never own a dog. You don't deserve one.
— Janice ???? (@jannyfayray) December 4, 2018
As a veterinarian, I can tell you that dogs grieve. You clearly need more dogs in your life, but only if you're kind enough to deserve them. #DogsAreBetterThanHumans #dogs
— Lizzy Jay (@AMBITCHOUSpod) December 4, 2018
It’s pretty difficult to get people on the left and right to unilaterally agree on something. Yet, you’ve somehow managed it.
— John Solano (@Solano_56) December 4, 2018
Way to go, Slate!
They do grieve you monster.
— Colt Luger's Hand of Justice (@andrewstarr1000) December 4, 2018
Ms Graham you should probably learn about dogs, especially service dogs and K9s before you share your opinions. They bond quicker & deeper than you can ever imagine. The human relies on the dog for the most basic of tasks. Without the dog the human would have a sad life of (1)
— J Holden (@cherokee517) December 4, 2018
I am sorry for whatever happened to you to make you think this article was a good idea. You must have been hurt by someone very badly to do this. I hope someday you look back on it and see things differently.
— Michael Dearing (@mcgd) December 4, 2018
Same for you re: this tweet!
— Ruth Graham (@publicroad) December 4, 2018
Ummm …
Wow. Your comebacks are even worse than your articles.
— Jaclyn (@AMarvelousLight) December 4, 2018
You just know Ruth is a lot of fun at birthday parties.
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