Early this morning (VERY early, wow the president is up before even this editor), Trump sent out this tweet in response to the Left’s latest big GOTCHA about his business, and Russia, and whatever else they can think of to throw at the man and his family.
Oh, I get it! I am a very good developer, happily living my life, when I see our Country going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly). Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2018
Trump’s tweet for whatever reason, totally set John Brennan off. To be fair though, we imagine it doesn’t take much for Brennan to tell the kids in his neighborhood to get off his lawn.
The iceberg of lies, deceit, corruption, & criminality is steadily but surely surfacing, despite the efforts of many in high places to keep it submerged. How large is the iceberg & who will be found clinging to it? The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. https://t.co/yeMZiWTlVM
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) November 30, 2018
Oooh, the iceberg of lies.
Is Brennan talking about Trump or the crap the Obama administration was pulling during the election? Or about how he spied on Congress and then lied about it?
Asking for a friend.
You lied to Congress.
Sit down, hack.
Oh, and you were LITERALLY a Communist.
— ?? Fight The Left ?? (@Gooms) November 30, 2018
The wheels of justice only grind the way certain ppl want it to grind. That why no one, to my knowledge, from the Obama Admin is in jail.
— Nate (on the) Stone (@nes_nathan) November 30, 2018
Hey, remind us why you weren't forced to plead after admitting lying to Congress?
— Gold N. Rules (@jamesbranch3) November 30, 2018
So, if Cohen gets charged for lying to Congress…why isn't your sorry ass behind bars already for doing the same?
— All Hyped Up on Dragon Energy (@NorwoodBrian) November 30, 2018
Good question.
You illegally spied on Senator’s. You are the criminal. https://t.co/CooAnhqqwR
— Susan Reif (@susanmreif) November 30, 2018
Sensing a theme here, John.
Ok, someone come get their grandpa … he’s starting to scare the children.
She’s SO not the boss! Alyssa Milano’s Obamacare #GetCovered tweet gets rekt (even by the Left!)
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