If you’re looking for an example of hypocrisy when it comes to the media whining about fake news, look no further than Dan Rather. You’ve really got to wonder if this guy deliberately tries for zero self-awareness or if it just comes naturally to him.
Whenever I see President Trump rail against "Fake News" or call us the "enemy of the people" I think "you can't handle the truth." You may not like it, but the press is protected by the Constitution (you know that document you swore to preserve, protect, and defend?)
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) August 5, 2018
Ugh, would someone please tell the media they don’t own the Constitution?
What a bunch of self-involved, egotistic, ass nuggets.
Charles C.W. Cooke spelled out the First perfectly (think Dan Rather saw this?):
It always surprises me how many people don’t know that the press is no more protected by the Constitution than is a rando with a Twitter account or a kid with a phone or someone who runs an amateur newsletter. (Which is a lot, as it should be.) Everyone is “the press.”
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) August 5, 2018
But the press is filled with heroes! Didn’t you know they run into burning buildings so they can cover Trump’s latest tweet?!
It’s as though they believe the freedom of the press was explicitly written down in order to protect media conglomerates which didn’t yet exist.
— Cheese For Everyone! (@CheeseForEvery1) August 5, 2018
They really do seem to think they’re more important than the rest of us.
FYI: I just added 5 points to your #StreetCredIndex for using the term "rando".
— Eric Black (@eric_black3) August 6, 2018
This is great.
Correct: free speech is FIRST guaranteed for everyone; freedom of the press comes second.
— Daniel Schneider (@Schneider_DC) August 6, 2018
Careful, Brian Stelter will claim you’re attacking him.
One of the issues nowadays is that you have a large proportion of the population advocating for restrictions because there’s no way the Founders could have imagined all the ways that people could express themselves… back with them, it was quills and papers, & the printing press
— Cuban Cane (@CubanCane) August 6, 2018
Man, we hope this person is being funny.
That is the first amendment version of “the second amendment should only apply to muskets”.
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) August 6, 2018
Irony or coincidence?
Those are the same that think you have to have a rank in the guard in order to be militia and have a #2A— Yoenis Cespedes (@AppFlyer) August 6, 2018
Mind blown.
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