For years, Democrats have been trying to pretend they care about the little people. You know, the working class. And for years we have known they only care about the working class when they need their votes, otherwise, they have a tremendous amount of disdain and disrespect for those people.
Especially in rural America.
Rani Molla, who Twitter apparently believes is having healthy conversations because she has a blue check, accidentally proved it with her two tweets about rural Americans working in a chicken processing plant:
Because working in an awful chicken processing plant is super advantaged.
Holy crap these people are horrible.
But they’re doing their best to re-elect Trump so we should send them cookies.
this tweet is in response to an article about people who work in a chicken processing plant
— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) August 1, 2018
i don't understand how this multicultural project is supposed to work when this is the response to poor people peacefully expressing anxieties
— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) August 1, 2018
Poor people are not allowed to peacefully express anxieties if they’re white.
She hates rural people so they must be white?
— Brickhouse (@Brick______) August 2, 2018
Dems hate rural America.
In other news, water is still wet.
Rani is indulging in the same bigotry and prejudice the Democrats have long chased. This time, instead of racial stereotypes they’re regional/cultural.
She’s the Abbot to her follower’s Costello. Notice how many chimed in on cue with KKK/redneck references?
— Bocephus (@lordthx1139) August 2, 2018
How'd it feel to get free college, Rani? I wouldn't know that kind of privilege. I've had to pay my own way, just like most other white students who aren't eligible for scholarships due to our lower melanin levels.
— klarson (@kglarson) August 1, 2018
Go work in a chicken processing plant. Then we'll talk.
— Taxpayer1234 (@Taxpayers1234) August 2, 2018
Your bubble is so small & dark. Get out. You have either been lied to or are ignorant. Some suffering is common to the human race not just your ethnicity.
— Mom Smirks (@mom_grateful) August 2, 2018
The bots are dumb your tweets are good
— alex (SF) (@alex) August 1, 2018
Bots. Right.
This idiot almost got as ratioed as Rani did:
“Bots”. Right. #ratio
— Texas Knight (@TXKnights) August 2, 2018
Back to the main thread because he’s boring.
Wow. What a bigot. I should tell you about the house I grew up in and how much money we lived on, but you sound like a racist.
— Damn, I'm smirky. (@corrcomm) August 2, 2018
Too late.
They work at a chicken plant you bourgeoisie genius. You need to ubereats some avocado toast and then try working a manual labor job one day.
— Smittie™ GED (Hons), BS (D-) (@smittie61984) August 2, 2018
The unfounded animosity displayed here is just another reason Trump supporters feel justified. You can do better than this
— Sumanth ⚡ (@SuMastodon) August 2, 2018
And just another reason he won in 2016 and will win in 2020.
She MAD! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez craps all over Obamacare the SAME day Obama snubs her
You got knocked TF OUT! Jim Acosta’s swing at Sean Hannity about “peddling lies” seriously BACKFIRES
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