Gosh, who would have expected something like this from a white woman who spent years lying about being a black woman … she seemed so law-abiding and honest.
Rachel Dolezal, also known as Nkechi Diallo, booked and released on welfare fraud, other charges https://t.co/yti4H1KidQ pic.twitter.com/dDetTdzMqE
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 3, 2018
From Fox News:
Former Spokane NAACP President Nkechi Diallo — who became infamous as Rachel Dolezal, a white woman identifying as black — was booked and fingerprinted at a Washington state jail Monday as she awaits trial on multiple charges, including welfare fraud.
Diallo pleaded not guilty to state charges of first-degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second-degree perjury last month. A judge ordered her freed on her own recognizance and gave her a deadline of Monday evening to report to the Spokane County jail for booking and fingerprinting.
Diallo, who changed her name from Rachel Dolezal in October 2016, is accused of receiving more than $8,800 in food and childcare assistance illegally between August 2015 and November 2017.
Alrighty then.
Talk about a train wreck, wow.
We’re shocked, SHOCKED, we tell ya’. Would never have expected it from her.
This woman has serious issues.
— Mo Ray (@mo2dmax) July 3, 2018
Aaaw come on folks, she was just "pretending" to be a welfare fraud, thief and con artist. The media fools who buy into these "I identify as" grifters should smarten up. She can now identify as a criminal and it will be true.
— Teri ?? (@Serenity_Seas) July 3, 2018
But true.
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