We get what Candace Owens was trying to say with her tweet on #MeToo.
At least we think we do.
The entire premise of #metoo is that women are stupid, weak & inconsequential.
Too stupid to know what men might want if you come to their hotel room late at night.
Too weak to turn around and tell someone not to touch your ass again.
Too inconsequential to realize this.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 11, 2018
What we THINK she’s trying to say is that feminists treat women like they are too stupid and weak to stand on their own and the #MeToo movement has been overrun with such feminists.
But the actual premise of the movement is not that women are stupid, weak, and inconsequential. It is, in fact, the very opposite because many smart, strong, and important women (and men) have been victims of sexual abuse and/or harassment and it must stop.
Several people took issue with Candace’s tweet:
As a conservative who recognizes the many weaknesses of #MeToo and faults of some proponents, I must disagree with this rather callous dismissal of the underlying reality. I'm not sure what we gain from it, but I know what we lose – part of our humanity.https://t.co/vNByC3dqiz
— Amy Swearer (@AmySwearer) June 11, 2018
In addition to a good deal of anger from the Left and the #MeToo movement itself, several from the Right/Conservative Twittersphere also seemed to take issue with Candace for her tweet.
Plenty wrong with the #metoo moment & it has been hijacked by activists but that doesn’t change the fact that powerful predators have sexually abused/harassed women, often with impunity. Blaming the victims for being victimised isn’t helpful.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) June 11, 2018
This. ^
Not. At. All.
What an awful remark. You are now no more than a troll looking for hits. You aren't edgy. You aren't enlightening. Your thirst for fame at any cost screams out with every tweet.
— Terry O' (@IrishTea1) June 12, 2018
This was pretty bad and we’re hoping that Candace might rethink the tweet and address people’s concerns … we shall see.
You should really consider doing a bit more research on the #metoo movement if this is your takeaway.
— Levon Jody Williams (@LevonWilliams) June 11, 2018
Whaaa—? ?
— Paige?Rogers (@PaigeTRogers) June 11, 2018
The first time I was molested I was 12. Was I too stupid & weak then Candace? I have been a big supporter of yours, but this is the 2nd time you've disappointed me in the last few weeks. -smdh
— RockyMtnHighChick (@COConservataria) June 12, 2018
Conservatives. Be better than this.
This is an insanely ridiculous take.https://t.co/lmCBlysAz1
— BonkPolitics (@BonkPolitics) June 11, 2018
Conservatives must be better.
All day long.
This is the equal and opposite over generalization that metoo is only about man hating and kangaroo courts. There are actual victims here.
— flabbergasted (@observeaddict) June 12, 2018
The “entire premise of #metoo”, similar to #domesticviolence, is that people who assault do so b/c of belief systems & power & control issues. It’s not b/c the victim is just so tempting/weak/promiscuous/etc. They’re allowed to continue b/c of #victimblaming stances like yours.
— Astrid, M.S.: No Domestic Violence In Martial Arts (@NoDvMartialArts) June 12, 2018
It’s one thing to call out silly third-wave feminists who think there really is such a thing as fart rape, it’s quite another to paint women and men of a movement like #MeToo as stupid, weak, and inconsequential.
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