Kamala Harris has this ‘drama-tweeting’ down, seriously.
We cover a lot of sanctimonious Democrats who tweet a good deal about SAVING THE POOR and DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN, but man, Kamala knows how to pander to her base by saying a lot without really saying anything.
Take for example her tweet on Medicaid:
Medicaid does more than help low-income Americans afford health care, it also pays for everything from treatment for substance abuse to support for children with special needs. We must protect it.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) April 30, 2018
Notice she leaves off a couple of important things, like where Medicaid comes from, who pays for it and how much Americans are already paying into the program. It’s not that we’re paying too little into Medicaid, it’s that the system is based on a bloated, old mindset that dumps money into huge institutions while treating people who receive the monies as numbers instead of individuals.
If Kamala really wants to protect Medicaid she’ll work on overhauling it from the bottom up, which would save us money and help more people in the long term. But let’s be honest, the only thing Kamala really cares about here is saying empty things to gain support from people who want to believe her.
Which is seriously so sad.
“We must protect it so you must pay for it.”
— American Snarker (@AmericanSnarker) April 30, 2018
Uh, who pays for it?
There is not unlimited money.— RebelACole (@RebelACole) April 30, 2018
Those evil rich white guys should pay for it, duh.
No seriously, people like Kamala really believe that.
How about helping low-income Americans prosper on their own rather than being dependent on the government
— James Nichols (@RongeurThat) April 30, 2018
You mean providing transitional funding to people who eventually start to get on their own two feet instead of stripping benefits from them so they stay dependent? Or providing training and education as a condition of funding? Or better yet, encouraging people to work more and depend less?
Not here, they refuse needed operations, medication for babies. Pretty much cause disabilities. Very sad. Idaho is deplorable.
— Holly sruart (@holly_sruart) April 30, 2018
We can’t speak to Idaho, but government-sponsored anything is seriously lacking.
While, at the same time, Government interference in the healthcare market drives up the cost of medical care, driving the need to increase government programs. "Jane, get me off this crazy thing!" — George Jetson. #balancethebudget #balancedbudget #TaxCuts #moretaxcuts
— @theycallmeox (@theycallmeox) April 30, 2018
But Trump!
Yes, but expand it to help recipients gain education and jobs so that at least some of those people can get off of Medicaid eventually.
— Joanne Cory (@jcorycma) April 30, 2018
Crazy talk.
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