Sean Hannity shared the Bible verse that explains the real meaning behind Easter:
And for whatever reason, this triggered Ted Lieu so badly he used a Bible verse to troll Hannity.
On Easter.
California sure can pick ’em.
Matthew 25:38-40 ESV
And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) April 1, 2018
Did you happen to notice Ted that he was addressing inviduals and not saying that the government should pass legislation?
— Mr. P.C. #PatHead (@SMadurski) April 2, 2018
Jesus never once said anything about supporting a giant, bloated, overreaching government in stealing large amounts of money from its citizens to fund abortion mills, tests on the mating habits of mosquitoes or any of the other ridiculous expenses the Left pretends the feds should pay for.
I just wish there were more consistent rules for when government policy ought to be determined based on the bible
— Rabbi Josh Yuter (@JYuter) April 2, 2018
That’d be nice, eh? A little consistency?
But silly, Ted needed to troll Hannity for quoting the Bible on Passover … for some reason.
I would think Jesus had good reason to be wary of big government.
— Lake Bum (@dustopian) April 2, 2018
You’d think.
It was in two Corinthians.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) April 2, 2018
I love how liberals trying to justify social programs by citing religion ignore the parts where Jesus talks about it doesn't count morally when it's an enforced obligation, only when it's done willingly. (see the parable where the old poor woman and the rich man give money)
— Ranba_Ral (@Ranba_Ral) April 2, 2018
Jesus only makes an appearance in the Left’s narrative when he’s convenient.
With the mess the two major parties have made of this country so far?
A definite possibility.
DUDE, WOW: Ben Rhodes’ tweet about Trump punishing media he doesn’t like BACKFIRES epically
SNORT –> In rush to shame Sinclair media for propaganda Brian Stelter trips over 1 C and 2 Ns
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