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CRAP, thy name is NBC: NBC News gets DRAGGED for Easter piece claiming Christianity defends white supremacy

Painful bias is painful.

Check out these two very different Easter stories, one from NBC News and one from Fox:


Huh, which outlet would you rather spend Easter with?

Wow, NBC … really?!

If this is woke, we’d really rather they go back to sleep.

You’re assuming NBC can feel shame.

Here’s their original tweet:

From NBC News:

Like Jesus, King too was murdered. King died 50 years ago this week while seeking to build a cross-racial coalition to address inequality in America through a Poor People’s Campaign. In a redemption story, every crucifixion demands a resurrection. We who believe in love and justice in America this Easter must reclaim redemption from those who would use it to prop up white nationalism and bigotry. To fail to do so is not only to dishonor the memory of King and the defenders of democracy in Colfax County; it is to reject the life and witness of the resurrected Jesus, whom Christians worship today.


Alrighty then.

What he said.

In other words, this is damn dumb.

Way to go, NBC.


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