Donald Trump was on a roll today, tweeting things he likely knew would freak his haters out.
Which is sad really, because advocating for voter identification actually supports the Left’s constant bitching and moaning about fraud in elections. Unless that fraud BENEFITS them, which it seems to when people don’t have valid IDs. In THAT case let them vote, right?
As Americans, you need identification, sometimes in a very strong and accurate form, for almost everything you do…..except when it comes to the most important thing, VOTING for the people that run your country. Push hard for Voter Identification!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2018
He’s right. Why wouldn’t we as Americans support ensuring our elections are clean, legal and fair?
And like usual, Chelsea Handler took Trump’s bait.
That must be why it’s easier to buy a gun in some of these states than it is to vote. But, you love guns and don’t want any black people to vote, so that’s a double win for you. Put that on your vision board.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) January 4, 2018
No, Chelsea.
That’s not true.
And seriously, he didn’t say anything about keeping black people from voting. *eye roll*
Someone needs to perform a welfare check on Chelsea.
— #GodBlessTexas (@ConservTXmom) January 4, 2018
We’re starting to wonder.
There is a lot of stupid out there.
I think it’s fair to request ID to vote with the following conditions:
– Free and easy process to get ID
– No pre-registration required
– Change of voting day to Sunday or make current day (Tuesday) a federal holiday— Elías Becerra (@EliasBecerra09) January 4, 2018
No problem with this line of thinking.
The rules and laws around owning a gun are far stricter than simply asking that people have a valid ID to vote.
She certainly does seem to make it a habit of being wrong … about everything.
easier to buy a gun then to vote?? Really?? Somebody has been hitting the Tito's early today.
— evade sennam (@nickdanger69) January 4, 2018
What states are those? Just admit that you don’t know shit about gun laws
— Jorden (@Jorden_withAnE) January 4, 2018
As usual, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. You’re such an embarrassment. The things you do and say are disgusting. Make an honest living. If you have talent use it. If all you can do is demean people then close your mouth, unless it’s urine. We know you like that.
— Jilladair (@jilladairmakeup) January 4, 2018
But this is her idea of making an honest living.
Or something.
‘This is your brain on drugs.’ Chelsea Handler’s dig at Trump’s brain mind-blowingly BACKFIRES
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