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Brazen ASSHATTERY: Touré says Kim Jong Un is right about Trump, gets SLAPPED with reality

If your Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad that you are defending and agreeing with Kim Jong Un, you need to get your arse into therapy. Seriously.

Take Touré for example:


As an American, the words, ‘Kim Jong Un was right,’ should NEVER pass through your lips. The man is a murderous dictator, and no matter how much you might hate Trump, he will NEVER be as evil as Kim.

Fair enough. If Touré thinks Kim is so rad he should go live under his RULE for a bit.

BUT TRUMP IS MEAN and stuff.

Hillary couldn’t even beat an evil dictator who had his uncle killed by a pack of rabid dogs.

Seems legit.

North Korea would like to nuke America, but hey, Trump isn’t nice enough.

The stupid literally burns.


Weapons grade DUMBASS: Chelsea Handler jumps the shark, tweets dumbest Trump attack YET

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