Imagine the level of dedication to an agenda it takes to tweet something this absolutely false; anything and everything to perpetuate the lie that AntiFa is a peaceful movement.
Tell us another one.
So it’s not that they were ganging up in groups of five to beat a single person that’s the problem, it’s that people shared his video of the incident too much.
Alrighty then.
There were multiple violent videos.
— JJ MacNab (@jjmacnab) August 28, 2017
Strike everything he said after the word, ‘true.’
Looks to me like you need new glasses.
— Schadenfreudelish (@aggierican) August 28, 2017
He’s so blind, no amount of new glasses will help him see.
I think that poor guy kicked and beaten would beg to differ ?
— Jodi???? (@APLMom) August 28, 2017
But he’d be a liar because everything was super peaceful in Berkeley yesterday.
Ya’ don’t say?
You mean a bunch of people in black masks aren’t there to peacefully protest? AntiFa actually IS a violent group of thugs?
Color us shocked.
SHAMELESS: Joy Reid tweets BLATANT, dangerous lies about Trump admin and Harvey (won’t delete!)
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