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Like Peace and Quiet? Congrats, The Atlantic Says You're a Racist
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YIKES! Iowahawk goes on hilarious mini-rant about creepy trend in New York Times headlines

Huh … do you notice a trend in these various New York Times headlines?

Iowahawk does.



Could it be RUSSIA?


What is the New York Times trying to tell us!?

Trolling for clicks. Maybe.

Just earlier today, a NYT columnist wrote a ‘poor us’ piece about how mean Trump is to the media. Their self-awareness is at a WHOPPING zero.


Hey! That sounds like something a Russian bot would say!

Don’t give them any ideas!


SAD! NYT piece ‘We’re Journalists’ claiming Trump is mean to POOR JOURNOS leads to EPIC mockery

BAHAHA! Brit Hume wonders if anyone can read at ESPN and CNN (Brian Stelter hardest hit)

Motive UNCLEAR: Instapundit, Mary Katharine Ham and Jim Treacher LEVEL WSJ for Scalise story

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