Really John McCain … REALLY?!
Skinny repeal fell short because it fell short of our promise to repeal & replace Obamacare w/ meaningful reform
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) July 28, 2017
Skinny Repeal would have repealed both the individual and employer mandate, would have revoked the industry-killing tax on medical equipment AND it would have defunded Planned Parenthood.
You know what really falls short, John? Doing NOTHING.
And after the Left spent DAYS wishing death on him for coming back to vote:
TFW you wake up and learn I they all no longer want McCain dead now.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 28, 2017
Democrats are a fickle bunch.
John McCain is entertaining a lot of cheerful Democrats rn
— Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) July 28, 2017
Look at those schmucks … they will be insufferable about this one.
And speaking of being insufferable, the same violent Lefties who hoped there was a Hell so McCain could rot there suddenly love him bunches and bunches.
Liberals: WTF? I love John McCain now.
— Andrew Kugle (@AndrewJKugle) July 28, 2017
Here come the hot takes on how McCain is actually a good guy, written by the same people who wished him dead days ago.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 28, 2017
People on Wednesday:
"Wow, McCain is such a POS. When will he die?"Same people on Friday:
"Wow, McCain is a maverick and a hero."— kc (@BourbonNBlue) July 28, 2017
— BT (@back_ttys) July 28, 2017
Now liberals are starting to do their “O Maverick, My Maverick” shtick after shitting all over McCain a few days ago
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) July 28, 2017
Interesting how John helped the people who wanted him to die while ignoring the people who not only defended him, but voted for him based on his promise to repeal Obamacare.
Guess he showed his true colors.
Senator’s ‘sham’ amendment puts zero Democrats on record as voting for single-payer health care
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