This is arguably one of Brian Stelter’s finest tweets.
Too bad he didn’t write it.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 8, 2020
Some thought Brian had accidentally typed in his password, others thought he was butt-tweeting (that sounds dirty, sorry) but in reality, it was his kiddo typing.
truly not a password — it was my son's keyboard bashing!
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 8, 2020
Maybe he should turn his Twitter account over to is son more often because the response was pretty spectacular.
We're sorry. That gift card has already been redeemed. Please enter a different code.
— Fuzzy Chimp (@fuzzychimpcom) October 9, 2020
beyond adding special characters to your next pw, I hope you also have a 2fa security key
— Caleb Bushner #JusticeforBreonna (@CalebBushner) October 8, 2020
This makes more sense than anything you've ever said
— Gretchen Lynn (@Bubola) October 9, 2020
thought provoking
— Jessica O’Donnell (@heckyessica) October 8, 2020
Arguably his best tweet.
— יוסף חיים (@Rabbi224) October 9, 2020
This is by far the most intelligent thing you've ever tweeted.
— Alex VanNess (@thealexvanness) October 8, 2020
Literally your best tweet
— Ty (@Ty_Atty) October 9, 2020
Brian's iTunes Password…
— @amuse (@amuse) October 9, 2020
Your most coherent tweet in ages
— Jay Of The J (@ToLearned) October 8, 2020
I’ve often thought this but you had the guts to say it.
— Kyle Smith (@rkylesmith) October 9, 2020
Right, it took real bravery to put this out there.
Now that's a Stelter opinion I can agree with.
— ?TnGa-Judgement Day is gonna be busy. ? (@T_tothe2ndNGa) October 8, 2020
To be fair, kudos to Brian for leaving this tweet up.
Not bad.
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